Services software

2,464 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 1,854 157,488
atheme 227 110,579
epona 9 381
hybserv2 73 3,758
ircservices 136 25,512
ratbox-services 13 494
RuLzzServices 25 7,001
shalture 38 3,966
xtheme 25 3,499
Other 64 33,319

Services software

2,104 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 1,479 133,367
atheme 252 113,359
epona 6 252
hybserv2 50 2,292
ircservices 121 28,613
ratbox-services 12 424
RuLzzServices 98 12,944
shalture 17 815
xtheme 20 4,157
Other 49 31,324

Services software

1,715 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 1,189 99,666
atheme 228 114,013
epona 4 140
hybserv2 33 1,649
ircservices 76 22,039
ratbox-services 9 658
RuLzzServices 98 12,440
shalture 10 495
xtheme 20 6,241
Other 48 29,173

Services software

1,525 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 1,075 105,673
atheme 212 109,685
epona 2 121
hybserv2 20 706
ircservices 73 23,844
ratbox-services 6 146
RuLzzServices 76 9,888
shalture 8 135
xtheme 15 1,428
Other 38 27,081

Services software

1,624 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 1,131 119,463
atheme 250 103,800
epona 4 138
hybserv2 15 541
ircservices 60 11,949
ratbox-services 4 194
RuLzzServices 89 13,574
shalture 4 87
xtheme 11 1,618
Other 56 42,602

Services software

1,540 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 1,062 111,724
atheme 250 72,079
epona 4 142
hybserv2 10 185
ircservices 61 33,752
ratbox-services 5 160
RuLzzServices 89 8,327
shalture 4 83
xtheme 8 542
Other 47 24,290

Services software

1,385 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 944 112,376
atheme 224 71,517
epona 2 68
hybserv2 10 183
ircservices 48 40,240
ratbox-services 4 143
RuLzzServices 98 14,435
shalture 2 24
xtheme 6 159
Other 47 29,993

Services software

1,305 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 902 109,337
atheme 203 57,644
epona 2 27
hybserv2 10 171
ircservices 43 6,084
ratbox-services 4 178
RuLzzServices 98 28,042
shalture 1 18
xtheme 4 80
Other 38 52,491

Services software

1,244 IRC Networks are running a services package.

The chart below shows which services software is in use. You can click on a package to see version details. You can also check the table at the bottom of this page.


Below you can see for each services package which version is in use, both in terms of networks served and IRC users served.
Click on a services package name to see version details.
Services package Networks Users
anope 891 109,172
atheme 168 74,959
epona 1 12
hybserv2 7 133
ircservices 45 7,944
ratbox-services 4 185
RuLzzServices 89 9,802
xtheme 2 39
Other 37 41,902
(Download JSON data set)

Disclaimer regarding 'Users'

This Services page is the only one which shows user counts. The reason for this is that mapping servers to networks is a hard job without services, and when done wrong you quickly overestimate the user counts. For networks that provide services this is much easier, and we feel confident in providing a good servers-to-network mapping.

Still, all these user counts are self-reported by networks. There is some manual checking for high-count anomalies, but other than that there is room for fake data here (ranging from faking the user counts to actually having fake users connected).

When comparing year-to-year figures: the user counts vary during the course of the day. Lots of people are permanently connected to IRC with bouncers or services like IRCCloud, but a sizable portion of the users is not. We only do one sample per year at this moment, and the scan date may be in the weekend one year while being during the workweek another year. Also, parts of the world may be asleep during the scan. The only way to 'fix' this would be by doing multiple samples during the day and doing so during multiple days in the year. Truth is, this is not on the TODO list at the moment.